How Do I Listen To My Voicemail Greeting On Android. If visual voicemail is enabled, go to phone > visual voicemail > manage voicemails. Tap and hold 1 until your phone calls voicemail.
How To Check Voicemail On Android From Another Phone Phone Guest from
To modify your welcome, press “1.”. Open the phone app, tap the dial pad, and press and hold 1. Now, on the “keypad” tab, enter the number and tap the green phone button to place the call.
Hold Down 1 And It Will Take You To Your Voicemail Where You Can Change The Settings.
Save the number and then go back to the phone dialer. Open the phone app, tap the dial pad, and press and hold 1. At&t wireless phone, press and hold 1.
It Will Then Say.your Greeting Has Been Recorded Can Then Listen To Your Greeting.
Scroll down and tap “voicemail.”. Make sure to follow all the instructions. If visual voicemail is enabled, go to phone > visual voicemail > manage voicemails.
Use Any Landline Or Cell Phone To Dial Your Mobile Or Landline Number.
When you set it up it gives you an option. Regardless of whether the greeting is a system default or a custom, recorded greeting, the user should be able to listen to that greeting via voicemail options. This article explains a few different ways to check your android phone's voicemail.
Once You’re Connected To Your Voicemail, Tap “4” On The Dialer.
Check your voicemail in google voice. You can call your voicemail service to check your messages. There used to be an option for this, for instance press 1 to listen to your current greeting.
Then Press 3 To Personal Greeting.
From your at&t wireless phone. Now, enter your pin and press #. At the bottom, tap dialpad.
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